Engaging with and listening to your pupils to better support their wellbeing has never been more important.
Our affordable, self-service Pupil Voice survey service – designed by our specialist research team – will help you comply with inspection requirements and strengthen your pupil wellbeing .
Headteachers and school leaders will know that pupil wellbeing is at the heart of the latest ISI inspection framework and schools need to show they are listening to, and acting on, their pupil voice to achieve the best outcomes and strengthen wellbeing and the school experience overall.
Our self-service survey service helps schools to meet this challenge. Created by our professional education research team, with input from schools, Pupil Voice is expertly designed to tease out pupil views on everything from learning and studies, to support and wellbeing, school resources and co-curricular activities.
Each survey includes core questions, up to three modules of pre-set questions, plus the option to add two questions of your own. You can select your modules from a list of nine, spanning all areas of school life. Response rates and results are available on our digital platform – with options to analyse and report your data in different ways, saving valuable senior staff time that might otherwise be spent on data processing tasks.
"It's important we have the time to focus on responding to the survey. And therefore, the more time we spend on survey design, of which we are not experts, detracts from that. Pupil Voice provided us with something we could roll out really quickly and easily."
- Andy Kemp, Principal and Jon Wingfield, Vice Principal, National Mathematics and Science College
We find outstanding leaders and develop their skills through advanced training, appraisals and coaching. With our world-class team, we are one of the best-known and most highly respected appointments companies in the educational world.
We specialise in school strategy consulting, assessing and building sustainable business plans, identifying market opportunities and conducting stakeholder research.
We design and manage research to help you understand the attitudes, perceptions and motivations of your most important stakeholders: current and prospective parents, alumni, staff and students.